
New information! Overview of the revision of the foreign liaison registration from April 1, 2024 and explanation of required documents.②


Good afternoon, and welcome to another installment in our series on foreign liaison registration! Today we continue our series on new information regarding foreign liaison registration.

This is another difficult topic, but the rules regarding real estate owned by foreigners have changed drastically.

Please read them carefully!

This article explains the procedures and necessary documents for registering real estate outside of Japan for Japanese nationals, foreigners, and foreign corporations residing abroad, which professionals and specialists involved in transactions and inheritances of foreigners should know about.

Domestic Contacts for Japanese nationals, foreigners, and foreign corporations residing abroad become a matter of registration.
Domestic contact information for Japanese nationals, foreigners, and foreign corporations residing abroad will become a registered matter. Specifically, the following is applicable

When there is a registered owner of ownership who does not have a domicile in Japan
The information of the person who is the domestic contact person (name and domestic address for individuals, name, domestic address or business office for corporations, location and name of the office, and company or corporation number (if any)) is recorded as a registered matter.

If there is no domestic contact person
A statement to the effect that there is no domestic contact person will be recorded as a registered matter.

How to designate a domestic contact
If you do not have a domestic address, you must designate a domestic contact person. Usually, this can be a relative or friend, but also a third party such as a real estate agent, lawyer, or tax accountant. Even if you do not have a contact person, you will still need to register this information.

It is generally recommended that a tax administrator be designated for this role. Although the Ministry of Justice Circular does not specifically state the scope of the domestic contact's responsibilities, it is expected that this contact will serve as a point of contact in case the owner is unavailable.

Certification Information for Domestic Contact Matters
The following certification documents are required to register the domestic contact

A certificate of seal impression, a copy of the resident registration certificate, or a copy of the supplementary copy of the family register showing the name and address of the domestic contact.

In the case of a corporation, a certificate of registered matters (if a company identification number is provided, only the number should be provided).

If the business office is the domestic contact, a printout of the website with the address and name of the business office, with a statement to the effect that it is the business office of the person who is to be the domestic contact, and the signature or name and seal of the person who is to be the domestic contact.

Domestic Contact Authorization Form
To register a domestic contact, a letter of authorization from the person to be the domestic contact and a certificate of seal impression are required.

A letter of authorization signed by or affixed the name and seal of the person to be the domestic contact.

A certificate of seal impression of the person who will be the domestic contact (if a corporate ID number is provided, only the ID number is required).

In case there is no domestic contact person, a letter of offer
If there is no domestic contact, the owner must prepare a written request stating that there is no domestic contact and sign or affix his/her name and seal to it. A certificate of seal impression is not required.

I will continue today's story next week.

Please read it carefully and share it with your colleagues.

Stay tuned for more next week!



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